研討會論文 |
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吳欣蓓(Hsin-Pei Wu) 2007. . ~2007. .
企業形象對信任與購買意願影響關係之研究 |
企業倫理與管理教育研討會 |
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吳欣蓓(Hsin-Pei Wu) 2007. . ~2007. .
Work/family demands, work flexibility, work/family conflict, and their consequences at work: A national probability sample in Taiwan. |
The Seventh Conference of Asian Association of Social Psychology (AASP) |
3. |
吳欣蓓(Hsin-Pei Wu) 2007. . ~2007. .
Work Resources, Work/Family Conflict, and Their Consequences: A Chinese-British Cross-Cultural Comparison. |
The 2007 Annual Conference of the TAOM |
4. |
吳欣蓓(Hsin-Pei Wu) 2007. . ~2007. .
“I or we”: Family socialization values in a national probability sample in Taiwan. |
Family Values, Behaviors and Attitudes: The 9th TSCS Symposium. |
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吳欣蓓(Hsin-Pei Wu) 2008. . ~2008. .
Constraints and support in work/family domains, work/family conflict and their consequences: A Taiwanese-British cross-cultural comparison. |
The XXIX International Congress of Psychology (ICP) |
6. |
吳欣蓓(Hsin-Pei Wu) 2009. . ~2009. .
Work stressors, Chinese coping strategies, and job performance in the Greater China. |
The Fourth International KMO Conference |
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吳欣蓓(Hsin-Pei Wu) 2009. . ~2009. .
高科技產業員工職能與工作績效之關聯-某上市電腦系統公司為例 |
第九屆台灣管理學年會(TAOM) |
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吳欣蓓(Hsin-Pei Wu) 2009. . ~2009. .
影響外派中國意願之個人、家庭及組織因素研究 |
2009台灣心理學年會(TPC) |
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吳欣蓓(Hsin-Pei Wu) 2010. . ~2010. .
團隊成員價值觀契合、情感性承諾、知識分享與團隊績效之關聯 |
2010年「恢復職場精神提昇與促進員工心理健康與組織效能」理論與實務研討會 |
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吳欣蓓(Hsin-Pei Wu) 2010. . ~2010. .
From an emotional point of view to understand the knowledge sharing behavior. |
2010 International Conference on Business and Information (BAI) |
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吳欣蓓(Hsin-Pei Wu) 2010. . ~2010. .
員工國際觀、生涯觀與外派中國地區意願之關係-以家庭系統因素為調節變項 |
2010中華商管科技學會年會暨學術研討會 |
12. |
吳欣蓓(Hsin-Pei Wu) 2011. . ~2011. .
The effects of work constraint and support on organizational citizenship behaviors: conscientiousness and proactive personality as moderators. |
The 12th European Congress of Psychology (ECP) |
13. |
吳欣蓓(Hsin-Pei Wu) 2011. . ~2011. .
Are we a team? Understanding the psychological atmosphere of teams from an emotional point of view. |
The 9th Biennial Conference of Asian Association of Social Psychology (AASP) |
14. |
吳欣蓓(Hsin-Pei Wu) 2011. . ~2011. .
情緒智力與情緒勞務之關聯—大五人格與年齡的調節效果 |
2011第五屆卓越管理國際學術研討會 |
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吳欣蓓(Hsin-Pei Wu) 2011. . ~2011. .
當我們「同」在一起:從社會認定理論觀照團隊中的知識分享行為 |
2011台灣管理學年會暨研討會:當西方理論遇上東方文化(TAoM) |
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吳欣蓓(Hsin-Pei Wu) 2011. . ~2011. .
當我們「同」在一起:團隊中知識分享行為之心理歷程 |
2011管理理論與實務研討會:全球經濟下的管理轉型 |
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吳欣蓓(Hsin-Pei Wu) 2010. . ~2010. .
轉換型領導行為與部屬之工作壓力及主管滿意度的關聯─以人格特質為調節變項 |
2010華人經濟圈企業競爭力與經營管理學術研討會 |
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吳欣蓓(Hsin-Pei Wu) 2011. . ~2011. .
互動不公平、情緒勞務與工作滿意度之關聯-以主管支持為調節變項 |
2011 餐旅管理暨產業發展國際學術研討會議程 |
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吳欣蓓(Hsin-Pei Wu) 2011. . ~2011. .
特殊教育教師之工作壓力研究-以自我效能為調節變項 |
2011 經營管理理論與實務研討會 |