謝玉玲 老師
現職 社會工作學系 助理教授
學歷 國立中正大學 社會福利所 博士
專長1 社會福利 專長2 社會工作實務-醫務社會工作
專長3 社會工作研究法-社會調查研究 專長4 婦女/性別社會工作
1. 謝玉玲(Yu-Ling Hsieh)、謝玉玲(Yu-Ling Hsieh) 2008.12.13~2008.12.14

2. 謝玉玲(Yu-Ling Hsieh)、王舒芸(Shu-ying Wang) 2010.06.17~2010.06.18
Are Single Fathers Different from Single Mothers? The Comparative Study on Seeking Help Behaviour of Single Parents in Taiwan
The International Conference on Fatherhood in 21st Century Asia: Research, Interventions, and Policies

3. 謝玉玲(Yu-Ling Hsieh) 2010.07.8 ~2010.07.10
Gender Issues of Single-Parent Families in Taiwan: A Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis
The 6th Mixed Methods International Conference

4. 謝玉玲(Yu-Ling Hsieh)、謝玉玲(Yu-Ling Hsieh) 2011.05.27~2011.05.28

5. 謝玉玲(Yu-Ling Hsieh)、謝玉玲(Yu-Ling Hsieh) 2010.03.5 ~2010.03.6

6. 謝玉玲(Yu-Ling Hsieh)、王舒芸 2009.07.8 ~2009.07.10
Are Single Fathers Different from Single Mothers?--A comparative study on welfare needs, social support, and seeking help behavior of single parents’ help-seeking behaviour in Taiwan
Gendering East/West International Conference