許承瑜 老師
現職 生物與醫學資訊學系 教授
學歷 加州大學 電機與電腦 博士
經歷 Professor Biomedical Eng. U.C. Irvine 1999 - Present
Professor EECS U.C. Irvine 1997 - Present
Associate Professor EECS U.C. Irvine 1993 - 1997
Associate Professor ECE Rutgers University 1989 - 1993
Assistant Professor ECE Purdue University 1986 - 1988
1. 吳家樂(Ng, Ka-Lok)、陳玉菁(Yu-ching Chen)、許承瑜(Sheu, Phillip C.Y.)、蔡進發(Jeffrey J. P. Tsai) 2011.10.24~2011.10.26
Simulation of Bacterial Chemotaxis by the Random Run and Tumble Model
Proceedings of the 11th IEEE Int'l Conf. on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering,

2. 胡若梅(Rouh-Mei Hu)、吳家樂(Ng, Ka-Lok)、蕭震緯(Chen-Wei Hsiao)、蔡進發(Jeffrey J. P. Tsai)、許承瑜(Sheu, Phillip C.Y.) 2008.06.11~2008.06.13