龎鳳嫺 老師
現職 休閒與遊憩管理學系 助理教授
學歷 香港理工大學酒店與旅遊業管理博士
經歷 台中技術學院-兼任講師
專長1 休閒遊憩規劃與管理 專長2 觀光
1. ?鳳嫺(Sharon F.H. Pang) 2011.06.2 ~2011.06.5
The Significance of Guanxi in Service Excellence in Asian Hospitality.
APacCHRIE Conference

2. ?鳳嫺(Sharon F.H. Pang) 2011.04.27~2011.05.1
An Exploratory Study of Factors Influencing Hospitality and Tourism Students’ Willingness to act for Future Low Carbon Travel.
International Conference of Tourism

3. ?鳳嫺(Sharon F.H. Pang) 2010.05.7 ~2010.05.9
Distance Decay Effect on International Tourism.
Asia Tourism Forum

4. ?鳳嫺(Sharon F.H. Pang) 2010.08.12~2010.08.14
Does Gender Affect Students' Perception in Global Climate Change?
APacCHRIE Conference

5. ?鳳嫺(Sharon F.H. Pang) 2009.07.7 ~2009.07.9
The perception among students, educators, and practitioners in hotel and tourism education.
Asia Pacific Forum for Graduate Student’s Research in Tourism and Hospitality

6. ?鳳嫺(Sharon F.H. Pang) 2009.05.18~2009.05.20
Green Venues in Asia
International Convention and Expo Summit

7. ?鳳嫺(Sharon F.H. Pang) 2009.05.18~2009.05.20
Examining the web marketing efforts of convention and exhibition centers in China
International Convention and Expo Summit

8. ?鳳嫺(Sharon F.H. Pang) 2008.01.3 ~2008.01.5
Personalized destination website information for different groups
Annual Graduate Education & Graduate Student Research Conference