賴淑玲 老師
現職 視覺傳達設計學系 講座教授
學歷 德州理工大學 媒體科技教育所 博士
專長1 互動式媒體 專長2 數位影音
專長3 數位學習 專長4 認知心理學
專長5 資料庫統計分析
1. (Lin, C. S.)、賴淑玲(Shu Ling Lai)、(Chu, P. M.)、(Ma, J. T.)、(Hsu, Y. W.) ,2009-, (已刊登)
International Journal on Digital Learning Technology 1卷4期:287頁~306頁
Could virtual learning communities of practice outpace tangible learning communities of practice in networked learning environments

2. 賴淑玲(Shu Ling Lai) ,2000-, (已刊登)
Journal of Educational Computing Research 23卷3期:275頁~289頁
Increasing associative learning of abstract concepts through audiovisual redundancy. ,

3. 賴淑玲(Shu Ling Lai)、(Yeh, R. M.) ,2000-, (已刊登)
嶺東學報 11卷1期:324頁~333頁
A database survey: High school students' attitude toward achievement

4. 賴淑玲(Shu Ling Lai)、(Chang, T. S.)、(Ye, R. M.) ,2006-, (已刊登)
Journal of Educational Computing Research 34卷1期:47頁~66頁
Computer usage and reading in elementary school: A cross-cultural study

5. 賴淑玲(Shu Ling Lai)、葉仁敏 ,2004-, (已刊登)
嶺東學報 15卷1期:159頁~185頁

6. 賴淑玲(Shu Ling Lai) ,2000-, (已刊登)
International Journal of Instructional Media 27卷2期:199頁~206頁
Influence of audio-visual presentation on learning abstract concept

7. 賴淑玲(Shu Ling Lai) ,2011-05, (已接受未出版)
The 15th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE 2011) 1卷1期:207頁~210頁
Applying virtual role design in computer game for teenager’s conflict management

8. 賴淑玲(Shu Ling Lai) ,2011-05, (已接受未出版)
The 15th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE 2011) 卷期:頁~頁
The Character Design and Developing for Game-based Learning