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陳筱茜、柯慧貞(jennyko)、李昆樺、林旻沛 ,2010-, (已刊登)
中華心理衛生學刊 / Formosa Journal of Mental Health 23卷4期:587頁~612頁 |
憂鬱、認知及社會因子對台灣南部大學生檳榔使用之預測模式 ,(2010) |
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陳正嘉、柯慧貞(jennyko)、林旻沛、周鉦翔、陳廣圻 ,2010-, (已刊登)
中華心理衛生學刊 / Formosa Journal of Mental Health 24卷1期:61頁~96頁 |
A Psychometric Analysis of the Chinese Version of Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale (CMPS): Reliability and Validity. |
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柯慧貞(jennyko) ,2011-06, (已刊登)
Prevalence and psychosocial risk factors associated with Internet addiction in a nationally representative sample of college students in Taiwan. |
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,(Yang YK,)、,(Chen SH,)、柯慧貞(jennyko)、(Lu RB)、、 ,2010-, (已刊登)
MAOA interacts with the ALDH2 gene in anxiety-depression alcohol dependence. |
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,(Lee IH,)、,(Yeh TL,)、(Yang YK)、柯慧貞(jennyko)、(Lu RB)、 ,2010-, (已刊登)
PSYCHIATRY RESEARCH 177卷3期:364頁~366頁 |
Temperaments x genes in bipolar I and bipolar II disorder patients. |
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ADDICTION BIOLOGY 11卷Nov期:1369頁~1600頁 |
Interaction between ALDH2*1*1 and DRD2/ANKK1 Taql A1A1 Genes may be associated with Antisocial Personality Disorder not comorbid with Alcoholism. |
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林旻沛(Min-Pei Lin)、柯慧貞(jennyko)* ,2011-12, (已刊登)
Cyberpsychology Behavior and Social Networking 14卷12期:741頁~746頁 |
Prevalence and psychosocial risk factors associated with Internet addiction in a nationally representative sample of college students in Taiwan |
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柯慧貞(jennyko)*、林旻沛(Min-Pei Lin) ,2011-03, (已刊登)
中華心理衛生學刊 / Formosa Journal of Mental Health 24卷1期:61頁~96頁 |
中文版多向度完美主義量表之心理計量分析 |
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柯慧貞(jennyko)*、林旻沛(Min-Pei Lin) ,2010-12, (已刊登)
中華心理衛生學刊 / Formosa Journal of Mental Health 23卷4期:587頁~612頁 |
憂鬱、認知及社會影響對台灣南部大學生檳榔使用之解釋 |
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林旻沛(Min-Pei Lin)、柯慧貞(jennyko)* ,2008-08, (已刊登)
Cyberpsychology Behavior and Social Networking 11卷4期:451頁~457頁 |
The role of positive/negative outcome expectancy and refusal self-efficacy of Internet use on Internet addiction among college students in Taiwan |
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林旻沛(Min-Pei Lin)、柯慧貞(jennyko)* ,2005-12, (已刊登)
中華心理衛生學刊 / Formosa Journal of Mental Health 18卷4期:93頁~119頁 |
不同成人依附型態大學生在網路成癮傾向上之差異 |
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柯慧貞(jennyko)*、林旻沛(Min-Pei Lin) ,2004-06, (已刊登)
中華心理衛生學刊 / Formosa Journal of Mental Health 17卷2期:43頁~66頁 |
南區大專校院學生之社團活動參與程度及其與社會支持、壓力因應型態、憂鬱、自殺之關係 |
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,(Chen PS,)、,(Yeh TL,)、(Huang SY)、(Chou KR)、(Yang YK)、柯慧貞(jennyko) ,2012-, (已刊登)
Low anxiety disorder comorbidity rate in bipolar disorders in Han Chinese in Taiwan. |