陳宗祺 老師
現職 生物科技學系 副教授
學歷 中興大學植物病理學系博士
專長1 植物病毒學 專長2 分子生物學
專長3 植物病理學 專長4 基因工程
專長5 血清學 專長6 單株抗體
專長7 植物組織培養
1. 陳宗祺(Tsung-Chi Chen)、陸筠月(Yun-Yueh Lu)、鄭櫻慧(Ying-Huey Cheng)、張清安(Chin-An Chang)、葉錫東(Shyi-Dong Yeh)* ,2008-08, (已刊登)
PLANT PATHOLOGY 57卷4期:765頁~765頁
Melon yellow spot virus in watermelon: a first record from Taiwan

2. (Chen, C. C.)、(Huang, C. H.)、陳宗祺(Tsung-Chi Chen)、(Yeh, S. D.)、(Cheng, Y. H.)、(Hsu, H. T.)、(Chang, C. A.)* ,2007-09, (已刊登)
PLANT DISEASE 91卷9期:1201頁~1201頁
First report of Capsicum chlorosis virus caused yellowing stripes on calla lilies

3. (Huang, L.-H.)、(Tseng, H.-H.)、(Li, J.-T.)、陳宗祺(Tsung-Chi Chen)* ,2010-09, (已刊登)
PLANT DISEASE 94卷9期:1168頁~1168頁
First report of Cucurbit chlorotic yellows virus infecting cucurbits in Taiwan

4. 陳宗祺(Tsung-Chi Chen)、(Lu, Y.-Y.)、(Cheng, Y.-H.)、(Li, J.-T.)、(Yeh, Y.-C.)、(Kang, Y.-C.)、(Chang, C.-P.)、(Huang, L.-H.)、(Peng, J.-C.)、(Yeh, S.-D.)* ,2010-07, (已刊登)
ARCHIVES OF VIROLOGY 155卷7期:1085頁~1095頁
Serological relationship between Melon yellow spot virus and Watermelon silver mottle virus and differential detection of the two viruses in cucurbits

5. (Chen, C. C.)、(Huang, C. H.)、(Cheng, Y. H.)、陳宗祺(Tsung-Chi Chen)、(Yeh, S. D.)、(Chang, C. A.)* ,2009-12, (已刊登)
PLANT DISEASE 93卷12期:1346頁~1346頁
First report of Capsicum chlorosis virus infecting amaryllis and blood lily in Taiwan

6. 陳宗祺(Tsung-Chi Chen)* ,2011-02, (已刊登)
ARCHIVES OF VIROLOGY 156卷2期:359頁~362頁
Complete genomic sequence of watermelon bud necrosis virus

7. 陳宗祺(Tsung-Chi Chen)* ,2011-06, (已刊登)
Emerging threat of thrips-borne Melon yellow spot virus on melon and watermelon in Taiwan

8. 陳宗祺(Tsung-Chi Chen) ,2011-03, (已刊登)
PHYTOPATHOLOGY 101卷3期:367頁~376頁
Importance and genetic diversity of vegetable-infecting tospoviruses in India

9. 陳宗祺(Tsung-Chi Chen) ,2012-02, (已刊登)
PLANT PATHOLOGY 61卷1期:183頁~194頁
Genomic characterization of Calla lily chlorotic spot virus and design of broad-spectrum primers for detection of tospoviruses

10. 陳宗祺(Tsung-Chi Chen) ,2012-04, (已刊登)
Multiple artificial microRNAs targeting conserved motifs of the replicase gene confer robust transgenic resistance to negative-sense ssRNA plant virus