研究計畫 |
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李舒萍 國科會 2011.07.1 ~2012.02.1
注意力對以英語為外語的大學生英語聽力的影響 |
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(Jung-ShiWang)、(Shu-Man Chen)、李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee)、(Shin-Da Lee)、(Chih-Yang Huang)、(City C. Hsieh)、(Chia-Hua Kuo)* ,2009-, (已刊登)
STEROIDS 卷74期:945頁~949頁 |
Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate linked to physiologic response |
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(Jung-Shi Wang)、(Shu-Man Chen)、李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee)、李信達(Shin-Da Lee)*、(Chih-Yang Huang)、(City C. Hsieh)、(Chia-Hua Kuo) ,2009-11, (已刊登)
STEROIDS 74卷12期:945頁~949頁 |
Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate linked to physiologic response against hot spring immersion.Steroids |
3. |
李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee)、李信達(Shin-Da Lee) ,2011-01, (已刊登)
Sleep and Breathing 15卷1期:91頁~98頁 |
Sleep-disordered breathing, behavior, and academic performance in Taiwan schoolchildren |
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李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee)、李信達(Shin-Da Lee)* ,2012-01, (已刊登)
Gender Medicine 9卷1期:9頁~20頁 |
Vanished Gender Differences of Cardiometabolic Risk Factors After Matching the Apnea Hypopnea Index at Postmenopausal Age |
非SCI、SSCI、A&HCI、EI、TSSCI...等具審查機制論文 |
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李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee)* ,2007-06, (已刊登)
台德學刊 卷12期:95頁~114頁 |
Der Tugenddiskurs und die Machtausubung: Lessings Miβ Sara Sampson und Friederike Sophie Hensels Die Familie auf dem Lande. |
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李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee)* ,2007-12, (已刊登)
台德學刊 卷13期:119頁~140頁 |
Der Angestellte als Abjekt: Georg Kaisers Von morgens bis mitternachts und Elmer Rices The Adding Machine |
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李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee)* ,2009-06, (已刊登)
台德學刊 卷16期:63頁~74頁 |
Das familiare Panopticon und der Geschlechterdiskurs: Christiane Karoline Schlegels Duval und Charmille |
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李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee) ,2010-12, (已刊登)
台德學刊 卷19期:79頁~98頁 |
Die Blickmetapher in Elsa Bernsteins Dammerung und Charlotte Perkins Gilmans The Yellow Wallpaper |
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李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee)、劉秀瑩(Hsiu-Ying LIU) ,2011-06, (已刊登)
台德學刊 卷20期:20頁~36頁 |
文學閱讀與概念隱喻語言能力 |
研討會論文 |
1. |
李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee) 2007.11.10~2007.11.10
Effects of Computer-based Immediate Score Warning System on EFL Listening Comprehension and Anxiety |
TEFL International Conference |
2. |
李信達(Shin-Da Lee)、李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee) 2008.11.15~2008.11.17
整合式生物科學知識教學:應用「內容」、「文體」與「任務」 |
首屆海峽兩岸科普研討會 |
3. |
李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee) 2008.10.25~2008.10.25
Language and Culture“ or ?Languaculture“ in FL instruction? Applying Theories from Halliday, Bachtin, Vygotsky and Foucault on FL |
Association of German Teachers of Taiwan, International conference |
4. |
李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee) 2008.08.29~2008.08.31
Die Raumzeit-Beziehung in Christiane Karoline Schlegels Duval und Chamille |
Asiatische Germanistentagung |
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李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee) 2009.05.16~2009.05.16
Writing for Meaning: Genre, Register, and Task |
外語補救教學 |
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李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee) 2007.09.20~2007.09.22
Task-oriented, Content-based Instruction for Grammar Teaching in a Taiwanese Context |
TBLT 2007 conference |
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李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee)、鄭正豐(C.F. Cheng)、李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee)、許晏榕 2011.05.20~2011.05.20
Impact of Anxiety, Inattention, and Physical Inactivity on Foreign Language Performance: a Structural Equation Model |
6th Annual International Conference on Foreign Literature Teaching |
8. |
李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee)、王安琪(An-Chi WANG)、李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee)、廖瑗玲 2011.05.20~2011.05.20
Effects of Audio-Visual Aids on Anxiety in Reading and Listening to Foreign Language Literature |
6th Annual International Conference on Foreign Literature Teaching |
9. |
李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee)、李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee) 2010.06.4 ~2010.06.5
Symposium 2010: Literaturwissenschaft und Fremdkulturhermeneutik |
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李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee)、劉秀瑩(Hsiu-Ying LIU)、李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee) 2010.06.3 ~2010.06.3
概念比喻與文學教學:以短篇小說教學為例 |
第五屆外國文學教學國際學術研討會 |
11. |
李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee)、李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee) 2011.07.11~2011.07.14
Exploring the relationships among sleep quality, personality, and English performance |
4th annual international conference on literature, languages and linguistics |
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李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee)、陳建民(Chien-min Chen) 2009.12.15~2009.12.18
文體理論與文學教學 |
2009 亞洲大學第三屆「『全球化』與華語敘述」國際研討會 |
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李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee) 2011.09.17~2011.09.19
Uberlegungen zum padagogischen Fachbegriff ?Literacy“ am Beispiel des Deutschlernens in Taiwan |
International Rikkyo-Colloquium |
14. |
李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee)、鄭正豐(C.F. Cheng)、李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee) 2011.10.9 ~2011.10.12
Assessment of Psycho-Physiological Factors for Foreign Language Learning: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach |
The International Conference on Measurement and Evaluation in Education |
15. |
李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee)、鄭正豐(C.F. Cheng)、李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee) 2011.10.9 ~2011.10.12
Assessing second foreign language learning anxiety, inattention, learning strategies and learning motivation |
The International Conference on Measurement and Evaluation in Education |
16. |
李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee) 2011.10.14~2011.10.16
Effects of poor sleep quality, physical inactivity and anxiety on foreign language performance |
The Second Cross-Strait Joint Symposium on Adaptive Medicine and Adaptability |
17. |
李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee)、李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee) 2011.11.3 ~2011.11.4
NTUTAPPLINGX 2011 international conference |
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李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee)、陳建民(Chien-min Chen) 2009.12.17~2009.12.18
文體理論與文學教學 |
Asia University 3rd International Conference on ’Globalization and Chinese Narrations' |
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李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee)、劉秀瑩(Hsiu-Ying LIU) 2010.06.3 ~2010.06.3
概念隱喻與文學教學:以短篇小說教學為例 |
Asia University, 5th International Conference on Literature Teaching |
專書 |
1. |
李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee) 2011.10
Die literarischen Inszenierungen der Identitatskonflikte in der deutschen Literatur um 1800 und 1900 |
2. |
李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee) 2011.10
外語文學與閱讀教學研究 |
3. |
李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee) 2011.10
肥胖 |
獲獎 |
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李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee) 2008-08-3
德國歌德學院教師進修獎學金 |
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李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee) 2011-03-9
人文社會學院研究論文海報比賽 |
3. |
李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee) 2011-09-
傑出教學獎 |
參與研討會 |
1. |
李舒萍 2011-05-20~2011-05-20
The Sixth (2011) International Conference on Foreign Literature Teaching |
學術/社會服務資料 |
1. |
李舒萍 2009-06-01~
台德學刊外審委員 |