陳宗祺 老師
現職 生物科技學系 副教授
學歷 中興大學植物病理學系博士
專長1 植物病毒學 專長2 分子生物學
專長3 植物病理學 專長4 基因工程
專長5 血清學 專長6 單株抗體
專長7 植物組織培養
1. 陳宗祺 農委會 2007.01.1 ~2007.12.31

2. 陳宗祺 農委會 2007.01.1 ~2007.12.31

3. 陳宗祺 國科會 2007.08.1 ~2008.07.31

4. 陳宗祺 農委會 2008.01.1 ~2008.12.31

5. 陳宗祺 農委會 2008.01.1 ~2008.12.31

6. 陳宗祺 農委會 2008.02.1 ~2008.12.31

7. 陳宗祺 國科會 2009.01.1 ~2009.12.31

8. 陳宗祺 國科會 2009.01.1 ~2009.12.31

9. 陳宗祺 農委會 2009.01.1 ~2009.12.31

10. 陳宗祺 農委會 2010.01.1 ~2010.12.31

11. 陳宗祺 農委會 2010.01.1 ~2010.12.31

12. 陳宗祺 國科會 2010.08.1 ~2011.07.31

13. 陳宗祺 國科會 2010.08.1 ~2011.07.31

14. 陳宗祺 農委會 2010.11.15~2010.12.31

15. 陳宗祺 農委會 2011.01.1 ~2011.12.31

16. 陳宗祺 國科會 2011.01.1 ~2011.12.31

17. 陳宗祺 農委會 2011.01.1 ~2011.12.31

18. 陳宗祺 農委會 2011.01.1 ~2011.12.31

1. 陳宗祺(Tsung-Chi Chen)、陸筠月(Yun-Yueh Lu)、鄭櫻慧(Ying-Huey Cheng)、張清安(Chin-An Chang)、葉錫東(Shyi-Dong Yeh)* ,2008-08, (已刊登)
PLANT PATHOLOGY 57卷4期:765頁~765頁
Melon yellow spot virus in watermelon: a first record from Taiwan

2. (Chen, C. C.)、(Huang, C. H.)、陳宗祺(Tsung-Chi Chen)、(Yeh, S. D.)、(Cheng, Y. H.)、(Hsu, H. T.)、(Chang, C. A.)* ,2007-09, (已刊登)
PLANT DISEASE 91卷9期:1201頁~1201頁
First report of Capsicum chlorosis virus caused yellowing stripes on calla lilies

3. (Huang, L.-H.)、(Tseng, H.-H.)、(Li, J.-T.)、陳宗祺(Tsung-Chi Chen)* ,2010-09, (已刊登)
PLANT DISEASE 94卷9期:1168頁~1168頁
First report of Cucurbit chlorotic yellows virus infecting cucurbits in Taiwan

4. 陳宗祺(Tsung-Chi Chen)、(Lu, Y.-Y.)、(Cheng, Y.-H.)、(Li, J.-T.)、(Yeh, Y.-C.)、(Kang, Y.-C.)、(Chang, C.-P.)、(Huang, L.-H.)、(Peng, J.-C.)、(Yeh, S.-D.)* ,2010-07, (已刊登)
ARCHIVES OF VIROLOGY 155卷7期:1085頁~1095頁
Serological relationship between Melon yellow spot virus and Watermelon silver mottle virus and differential detection of the two viruses in cucurbits

5. (Chen, C. C.)、(Huang, C. H.)、(Cheng, Y. H.)、陳宗祺(Tsung-Chi Chen)、(Yeh, S. D.)、(Chang, C. A.)* ,2009-12, (已刊登)
PLANT DISEASE 93卷12期:1346頁~1346頁
First report of Capsicum chlorosis virus infecting amaryllis and blood lily in Taiwan

6. 陳宗祺(Tsung-Chi Chen)* ,2011-02, (已刊登)
ARCHIVES OF VIROLOGY 156卷2期:359頁~362頁
Complete genomic sequence of watermelon bud necrosis virus

7. 陳宗祺(Tsung-Chi Chen)* ,2011-06, (已刊登)
Emerging threat of thrips-borne Melon yellow spot virus on melon and watermelon in Taiwan

8. 陳宗祺(Tsung-Chi Chen) ,2011-03, (已刊登)
PHYTOPATHOLOGY 101卷3期:367頁~376頁
Importance and genetic diversity of vegetable-infecting tospoviruses in India

9. 陳宗祺(Tsung-Chi Chen) ,2012-02, (已刊登)
PLANT PATHOLOGY 61卷1期:183頁~194頁
Genomic characterization of Calla lily chlorotic spot virus and design of broad-spectrum primers for detection of tospoviruses

10. 陳宗祺(Tsung-Chi Chen) ,2012-04, (已刊登)
Multiple artificial microRNAs targeting conserved motifs of the replicase gene confer robust transgenic resistance to negative-sense ssRNA plant virus

1. 陳宗祺(Tsung-Chi Chen)* ,2011-07, (已刊登)
Acta Horticulturae 901卷1期:61頁~66頁
Detection of eight different tospovirus species by a monoclonal antibody against the common epitope of NSs protein

1. (Chen, S. J.)、(Chen, C. C.)、陳宗祺(Tsung-Chi Chen)、(Cheng, Y. H.)、(Chang, C. A.)*、(Chen, S. J.)、(Chang, C. A.) 2009.02.6 ~2009.02.6
Development and evaluation of nucleic acid quick extraction technique in the detection of orchid viruses
Annual meeting of Taiwan Phytopathology Society

2. 陳金枝、(Chiang, F. L.)、陳宗祺(Tsung-Chi Chen)、(Yeh, S. D.)、(Cheng, Y. H.)、(Chang, C. A.)*、陳金枝、陳宗祺(Tsung-Chi Chen) 2009.02.6 ~2009.02.6
Serological and molecular identification of Capsicum chlorosis virus infecting blood lily
Annual meeting of Taiwan Phytopathology Society

3. 陳宗祺(Tsung-Chi Chen) 2009.02.6 ~2009.02.6
Quick detection of tospoviruses using degenerate primers
Annual meeting of Taiwan Phytopathology Society

4. 曾獻嫻、陳麗芳、葉錫東、陳宗祺(Tsung-Chi Chen)、黃莉欣*、曾獻嫻、陳宗祺(Tsung-Chi Chen) 2008.12.20~2008.12.20
Occurrence and distribution of Tospovirus and survey of thrips density in various crop field
Annual meeting of Taiwan Plant Protection Society

5. 陳宗祺(Tsung-Chi Chen) 2008.12.20~2008.12.20
Quick identification of tospoviruses using degenerate primers and sequencing of the M and L RNAs of Tomato yellow ring virus
Annual meeting of Taiwan Plant Protection Society

6. 陳宗祺(Tsung-Chi Chen) 2009.02.6 ~2009.02.6
Production of broad-spectrum antisera for detection of tospoviruses
Annual meeting of Taiwan Phytopathology Society

7. 陳宗祺(Tsung-Chi Chen) 2008.12.20~2008.12.20
Production of broad-spectrum antisera for detection of the Euro-American-type tospoviruses
Annual meeting of Taiwan Plant Protection Society

8. 陳宗祺(Tsung-Chi Chen) 2008.12.20~2008.12.20
Evaluation of field survey for Watermelon silver mottle virus and Melon yellow spot virus of the genus Tospovirus in the cucurbit-growing areas of central and southern Taiwan
Annual meeting of Taiwan Plant Protection Society

9. 彭瑞菊、陳昇寬、陳宗祺(Tsung-Chi Chen)、葉錫東*、彭瑞菊、葉錫東 2008.12.20~2008.12.20
The relationship between melon Tospovirus diseases and vector
Annual meeting of Taiwan Plant Protection Society

10. 陳金枝(Chen, C.-C.)、陳宗祺(Tsung-Chi Chen)、葉錫東(Shyi-Dong Yeh)*、(Huang, C.-H.)、張清安(Chang, C.-A.)、葉錫東(Shyi-Dong Yeh) 2008.04.20~2008.04.24
Identification and molecular characterization of two new calla lily infecting tospoviruses-Capsicum chlorosis virus and Watermelon silver mottle virus
12th International Symposium on Virus Disease of Ornamntal Plants

11. 陳宗祺(Tsung-Chi Chen) 2008.04.20~2008.04.24
Detection of eight different tospovirus species by the monoclonal antibody against the common epitopes of NSs protein
12th International Symposium on Virus Disease of Ornamntal Plants

12. 陳金枝、陳宗祺(Tsung-Chi Chen) 2008.01.25~2008.01.25
Serological and molecular identification of Watermelon silver mottle virus infecting calla lily

13. 陳金枝、陳宗祺(Tsung-Chi Chen) 2008.01.25~2008.01.25
Serological and molecular identification of Capsicum chlorosis virus infecting amaryllis

14. 陳宗祺(Tsung-Chi Chen) 2007.10.26~2007.10.26

15. (Huang, L. H.)、(Tseng, H. H.)、(Yeh, S. D.)、陳宗祺(Tsung-Chi Chen)、陳宗祺(Tsung-Chi Chen) 2009.11.20~2009.11.20
Emergence of Tomato spotted wilt virus infects Capsicum spp. and Zantedeschia sp. crops in Taiwan
Annual meeting of Taiwan Plant Protection Society

16. (Chen, L. F.)、(Huang, L. H.)、(Peng, J. C.)、(Yeh, S. D.)、陳宗祺(Tsung-Chi Chen)、陳宗祺(Tsung-Chi Chen) 2009.11.20~2009.11.20
Evaluation of field surveys for tospoviruses and potyviruses in the cucurbit-growing areas of central and southern Taiwan
Annual meeting of Taiwan Plant Protection Society

17. 陳宗祺(Tsung-Chi Chen)、(Fan, Y. H.) 2010.03.6 ~2010.03.6
Determination and molecular analyses of the NSm genes of Tomato yellow ring virus and Peanut chlorotic fan-spot virus
Annual meeting of Taiwan Phytopathology Society

18. 陳宗祺(Tsung-Chi Chen)、李如婷 2010.03.6 ~2010.03.6
Molecular characterization of a new crinivirus isolated from melon in Taiwan
Annual meeting of Taiwan Phytopathology Society

19. 陳宗祺(Tsung-Chi Chen)、吳佩儒 2010.12.10~2010.12.10
Nucleotide sequencing of S RNA of Chrysanthemum stem necrosis virus and expression of its nucleocapsid protein for antiserum production
Annual meeting of Taiwan Plant Protection Society

20. 陳宗祺(Tsung-Chi Chen)、周玟醇 2010.12.10~2010.12.10
Production of the nucleocapsid protein-based antisera for detection of tospoviruses belonging to TSWV serogroup
Annual meeting of Taiwan Plant Protection Society

21. 陳宗祺(Tsung-Chi Chen)、夏君銘 2010.12.10~2010.12.10
Production of a monoclonal antibody against the nucleocapsid protein of Groundnut ringspot virus
Annual meeting of Taiwan Plant Protection Society

22. 陳宗祺(Tsung-Chi Chen)、李如婷 2010.12.10~2010.12.10
Survey of occurrence of Cucurbit chlorotic yellows virus and whiteflies in various cucurbit fields in Taiwan
Annual meeting of Taiwan Plant Protection Society

23. 陳宗祺(Tsung-Chi Chen)、葉錫東、(Uthaman, Y.) 2011.03.25~2011.03.26
Generation of marker-free transgenic plants with broad-spectrum resistance to different tospoviruses
Annual meeting of Taiwan Phytopathology Society

24. 陳宗祺(Tsung-Chi Chen)、翁容淑 2011.03.25~2011.03.26
Different symptomatic responses induced by the geographic distinct isolates of Tomato spotted wilt virus in a tomato cultivar
Annual meeting of Taiwan Phytopathology Society

25. 陳宗祺(Tsung-Chi Chen)、夏君銘 2011.03.25~2011.03.26
Epitope analysis of a monoclonal antibody broadly reacted with the nucleocapsid proteins of Euro-American-type tospoviruses
Annual meeting of Taiwan Phytopathology Society

26. 陳宗祺(Tsung-Chi Chen)、廖志絃 2011.03.25~2011.03.26
Development of multiplex one-step reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction for detection of Watermelon silver mottle virus, Melon yellow spot virus and Cucurbit chlorotic yellows virus
Annual meeting of Taiwan Phytopathology Society

27. 陳宗祺(Tsung-Chi Chen)、陳宗祺(Tsung-Chi Chen) 2011.09.11~2011.09.16
Host preference of Watermelon silver mottle virus and Melon yellow spot virus for field watermelon and melon
The XV International Congress of Virology

28. 陳宗祺(Tsung-Chi Chen)、陳宗祺(Tsung-Chi Chen) 2011.09.11~2011.09.16
Prompt identification of Asian-type and EuroAmerican-type tospoviruses using monoclonal antibodies against the common epitopes of NSs proteins
The XV International Congress of Virology

29. 陳宗祺(Tsung-Chi Chen) 2011.09.11~2011.09.16
Broad-spectrum transgenic resistance against different tospoviruses at the genus level conferred by the conserved region of L genes
The XV International Congress of Virology

30. 陳宗祺(Tsung-Chi Chen)、陳宗祺(Tsung-Chi Chen) 2009.11.20~2009.11.20
Diagnosis and identification of a new emerging Crinivirus on cucurbits
Annual meeting of Taiwan Plant Protection Society

1. 徐惠迪(H.-T. Hsu)、陳宗祺(Tsung-Chi Chen)、張清安(C.-A. Chang)、葉錫東(S.-D. Yeh) 2009.06
Plant Pathology: Techniques and Protocols

1. 陳宗祺(Tsung-Chi Chen) - ~ -
Monoclonal antibody to the common epitope of NSs protein of Watermelon silver mottle virus and assay for tospovirus

2. 陳宗祺(Tsung-Chi Chen) - ~ -
Use of a tospoviral nucleic acid molecule for broad-spectrum transgenic resistance against different tospoviruses

3. 陳宗祺(Tsung-Chi Chen) 2007-07~2027-07
A method of obtaining a transgenic plant with a broad-spectrum resistance

4. 葉錫東(Shyi-Dong Yeh)、陳宗祺(Tsung-Chi Chen) 2008-10~2026-11
鑑定番茄斑點萎凋病毒屬(Tospovirus genus)之西瓜銀斑病毒血清群病毒(WSMoV-serogroup tospoviruses)之單株抗體及其製備方法與應用

1. 陳宗祺 2009

2. 陳宗祺 2009

3. 陳宗祺 2010

4. 陳宗祺 2011
番茄黃輪病毒M和L RNAs及花生黃化扇斑病毒M RNA之分子特性分析

1. 陳宗祺 2010-12-10~2010-12-10

2. 陳宗祺 2010-03-05~2010-03-06

3. 陳宗祺 2011-03-25~2011-03-26

4. 陳宗祺 2009-02-06~2009-02-06

5. 陳宗祺 2009-11-20~2009-11-20

6. 陳宗祺 2008-12-20~2008-12-20

7. 陳宗祺 2008-04-20~2008-04-24
12th International Symposium on Virus Disease of Ornamntal Plants

8. 陳宗祺 2008-01-25~2008-01-25

9. 陳宗祺 2007-10-26~2007-10-26

10. 陳宗祺 2006-12-16~2006-12-16

11. 陳宗祺 2005-12-16~2005-12-17

12. 陳宗祺 2004-03-09~2004-03-13
11th International Symposium on Virus Disease of Ornamntal Plants

13. 陳宗祺 2004-12-04~2004-12-04

14. 陳宗祺 2003-12-13~2003-12-14

15. 陳宗祺 2002-11-29~2002-11-30

16. 陳宗祺 2002-07-27~2002-08-01
XIIth International Congress of Virology

17. 陳宗祺 2001-12-08~2001-12-09

18. 陳宗祺 2011-09-11~2011-09-16
The XV International Congress of Virology in International Union of Microbiological Societies

1. 陳宗祺 2010-01-25~2012-01-25

2. 陳宗祺 ~
Archives of Virology

3. 陳宗祺 ~
African Journal of Biotechnology

1. 陳宗祺 2010-01-25~2012-01-25